Over the last few months, only one thing’s been consuming me. EDITING! I completed the fourth book in my series at the end of last year, and ever since I’ve been trying to polish it up from a rough stone to a shiny, prized jewel. To say it’s been hard work is nothing short of a massive understatement. It is by far the most complicated of the four books, bringing together numerous threads into one expansive timeline. So not only must the grammar and spelling be correct, but everything relating to the plots and sub plots must tie up seamlessly as far as I’m concerned.
As the title of this post says…..I HATE EDITING! There should be a special place reserved in hell for those who actually like what I consider to be a seriously dark art. As far as I’m concerned, nobody in their right mind should enjoy all that it entails. That said, I do at least appreciate all the good that can come from it, and understand that it is a necessary evil if the work that you’ve toiled over for so long is to finally reach the reader in its best possible form. It’s just that I find it so frustrating, almost always losing myself in the story and the characters, adjusting and tweaking that, rather than worrying about the grammar. AArrgghhh……I really dislike it, have I mentioned that? Anyhow, things are at last coming together, to the point anyway, where I feel I can offer an update. Proof copies have arrived, and so hopefully it will only be at most a few weeks now until the book is available to buy. I hope all of you out there who have read the first three opt to buy this one. It continues on where the last one finished, and I consider it my best work yet. Full of action, adventure, my twisted sense of humour, as well as a whole host of new and old characters. Two of the new ones are based (just like a few of the others) on a couple of my closest friends. Whether they’ll like their depictions is anybody’s guess, because although they know they’re in it, they haven’t been given any details. I hate spoilers almost as much as editing, but not quite. So there we have it…..what I’ve been working on and have become obsessed with. So it should be ready to go, very, very…..SOON!
One further note before I go. Everything up until the end of the series has been planned out. There will be six books, aside from one or two much smaller ebooks, in all. And I’ve already started to write number five. Thanks for reading.